Archive for February, 2008

February Blues

February is usually my least favorite month, and this year has been no exception.  But this morning came bright and warm, just begging for breakfast on the deck in the sunshine.  How could I not oblige?  

Blueberry banana muffins, as per AJ’s request.  This was a good way to use up some applesauce (an ongoing battle on the Aunt Farm).  But the best part was definitely reaching into the freezer for some of the organic blueberries we picked in late July, 2006, at Forstbauer Family Natural Food Farm, in Chilliwack.
Blueberries are simply my favorite food.  When I was a kid, there was a property down the street from my house that had been cleared for a house, and then abandoned.  Blueberries, several varieties, had taken over – there were dozens of bushes.  My dad and I would head over there each year on summer evenings, with pails he’d fashioned by running a string through holes on either side of a yoghurt container, so you could wear the pail around your neck and have two hands to pick with.  I don’t know how young I was the first time I went picking, but I can clearly picture the lot – specific bushes I remembered from year to year as having especially sweet berries, or the largest ones.  Mostly I remember the sheer pleasure of filling my entire mouth with fresh wild berries over and over again.   


Maybe February’s not so bad after all.

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